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Alternative Curriculum Group

The small number of pupils who join the academy significantly below age related expectations follow an Alternative Curriculum which is designed to meet the specific learning and social needs of each pupil.

The curriculum emphasises: oracy to support communication and an understanding of cultural capital; the development of independent learning skills (through work stations) and personal safety and life-skills. Pupils are empowered to learn within this group because lessons are pitched at where these pupils are ‘at’ enabling them to achieve their next steps securely and with confidence; with KS4 pupils working towards Entry Level qualifications.

Their learning is delivered by members of the SEND team and planning is done in conjunction with curriculum and SEND specialists. Where appropriate, these pupils still integrate with their year group in practical, creative and physical lessons.

It is regularly reviewed by external SEND experts from the local authority to ensure it is meeting the needs of our learners.

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