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Dance Showcase 2019

Nottingham Girls' Academy Dance Showcase 2019 - Rise and Fall

The Dance Showcase planning and rehearsals began back in January and featured over 60 students, ranging from Y7 to 12.  This year’s theme was ‘Rise and Fall’, which linked with the examination brief for Y11, providing them with the opportunity to perform their own choreography, which was a particular highlight.  The show was a celebration of our extensive extra-curricular activities and also featured some curriculum assessment work for key stage 4 and 5. G13, NGA’s gifted and talented dance company, performed throughout the show, performing work choreographed by staff, as well as a piece created by an ex-pupil, Jadel McFarlane.  The show was a resounding success; all who took part did an excellent job and performed with style, confidence and professionalism.