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Summer Uniform Update

Following our consultation, details of our summer uniform rules can be found here. 

Updated 23 June 2022

Dear parents and carers

Thank you to all of you that responded to our questionnaire following our summer uniform trial.

We have now consulted parents and carers, pupils and staff on the changes. The feedback has been extremely useful in developing our policy moving forwards. You can see a summary of the consultation at the foot of the page.

As a result, we will be adopting the following Summer Uniform policy. This is effective immediately.

What will Summer Uniform Be?

Summer Uniform will be:

  • White shirt or blouse (top button may be unfastened, shirt should be tucked in) or plain white polo shirt.
  • Black trousers or knee-length black skirt or knee-length, tailored, plain black shorts or skorts. (Tight fitting or lycra cycling style shorts are not permitted. An example of what is permitted is below.)

  • Tie (optional – top button fastened if worn)
  • Academy jumper (optional)
  • A plain black cap or hat for outside wear only (optional)

Rules on shoes, jewellery, hair and makeup remain the same as for the rest of the year. You can see details here if you need a reminder.

When will pupils be allowed to wear Summer Uniform?

Pupils will be allowed to wear Summer Uniform from May half-term until the summer holiday each year. 

Summer Uniform may be permitted for days outside of this period at the Principal's discretion. On theses occasions parents will be informed by text message and/or email.

Yours faithfully

David Tungate


Nottingham Girls' Academy