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NGA's Latest Ofsted Report Published

"There is enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding if the inspectors were to carry out a section 5 inspection now."

- Ofsted, December 2021

19 January 2022

Dear parents and carers,

As you know we had an Ofsted inspection just before Christmas.

I am delighted to now be able to share the final report from that inspection with you. 

The inspection was a Section 8, 'Inspection of a Good School'. These are not quite the same as full inspections (Section 5) and do not give schools an opportunity to be re-graded. Instead, they are used to confirm whether a school remains ‘good’. However, they can also indicate whether Ofsted inspectors believe the school has made marked improvement or has declined since the last inspection. As you will see from our report, the inspection team concluded that Nottingham Girls’ Academy has made significant improvement since the last inspection and may have been judged to be outstanding had we received a full inspection.

I am extremely proud of the staff and pupils as it is their hard work and daily determination to improve that inspectors have recognised in this judgement. I have been using assemblies this week to thank our pupils for their continued excellent attitude, behaviour and hard work.

The pandemic has been hard on many people and we are acutely aware of the impact it has had on many of our pupils’ mental health and academic progress. Inevitably, things such as attendance and behaviour have therefore also become harder to maintain at our pre-pandemic levels. However, inspectors recognised that we have been more resilient than many schools in these areas and we are continually grateful to parents and carers for their support and help in ensuring high standards are expected and maintained.

I hope you share my pride in the judgement and the inspection report. Nottingham Girls’ Academy is a unique community. When all parts of that community pull together – teachers and staff, pupils and parents - we hopefully provide an experience that is greater than the sum of its parts and ensures your children have the best start we can give them in life. No matter the judgement, we will continue to strive to improve and, as always, welcome your support and help in achieving that.

David Tungate


Nottingham Girls' Academy