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Onsite Provision

Weekly Critical Worker Registration Form & Details of our Onsite Provision

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Who Can Attend Onsite Provision at NGA?
Vulnerable Pupils (including all pupils in the Alternative Curriculum Group) 

Vulnerable Pupils (including all pupils in the Alternative Curriculum Group) should attend.

Parents and carers of these pupils were all contacted on Monday 4 January and Tuesday 5 January 2021.

If they do not attend their absence will be recorded as ‘condoned’ (C code) and someone from the school safeguarding team will be in periodic contact to check on their wellbeing.

Children of Critical Workers 

Children of Critical Workers are welcome to attend.

However, please remember that the reason for school closures and the national lockdown is to reduce the transmission of the virus by reducing everyone's social contacts. The provision in schools for Critical Worker's children is to allow Critical Workers to do their critical work. It is not to supervise children just because they might work better at school (because would be true for all pupils) when they could actually work from home. Please only register for this provision if you absolutely require it.

To help with capacity planning, parents of critical workers will be asked to register on a weekly basis – completing the online registration form no later than midday on the Friday of each week prior to provision being required. 

To register, please complete the appropriate registration form on our:

Details of our Onsite Provision

Updated 21 February 2021
A precious issue with  our boilers in the main building has been resolved and pupils will be able to access he PC rooms for the onsite provision.  

Site Opening Hours  

The site will be open from 7.45am to 3.45pm each day.

Instructions for Pupils Attending Onsite Provision 


  • Pupils must arrive between 8.30am and 8.45 am for registration and a prompt 9am start to lessons.
  • They should enter site by the main pedestrian entrance (Gate A) and head to the appropriate outside zone for their year group:

  • Any students arriving after 8.45am will ned to use the intercom to gain access to the site.


  • Pupils will depart from school at 3.15pm from the pedestrian exit.
  • They must not loiter or wait fro friends, but depart immediately.
  • If hey are being collected by parents in vehicles, we ask that the parent remains in their vehicle rather than congregating around the gate.

Alternative Curriculum Group

  • Pupils in the Alternative Curriculum Group have different working hours of 9.30am to 2.30pm.


  • School uniform is not required.

Hands. Face. Space.

  • Whilst on the school site, face coverings must be worn, social distancing rules followed and hands washed/sanitised frequently (as a minimum this must include when pupils arrive on site, enter buildings or classrooms, have used the toilet, and before and after they eat.)
  • Pupils will be provided with sanitising wipes to clean keyboards and mice before and after use.
  • For each classroom, a seating plan will be recorded on the first day of the week and pupils will have to remain in these places throughout the week.

Lunch Time

  • During tutor time, pupils can order a sandwich or jacket potato with filling, a dessert and a bottle of water for lunch time. Pupils eligible for FSM will receive this free of charge. Each pupil that needs to will place their lunch order during tutor time each morning using our online form.
  • The pupils from each room will be escorted to the dining room, one group at a time with pupils from the alternative curriculum group having their lunch during the end of P3.
  • Pupils will sanitise their hands and then line up using the social distancing markers. Once they have collected their food they will make their way to the seating in the gym. Pupils from each year group will be allocated a separate area of the gym to sit in.

Equipment Required

  • Pupils should bring headphones as they will be using school PCs to access the same online lessons as their peers.
  • They should also bring exercise books fr the lessons they have that day and suitable stationary to write and work with (pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, sharpener, calculator)

Timings of the Day

  • From Monday 11 January, the timings of the school day will be:

8.30am – 8.45am

Arrive on site

8.45am – 9.00am


9.00am – 10.00am

Period 1

10.00am – 11.00am

Period 2

11.00am – 11.15am


11.15am – 12.15pm

Period 3

12.15pm – 1.15pm


1.15pm – 2.15pm

Period 4

2.15pm – 3.15pm

Period 5


Depart from school