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New National Lockdown Begins

Email from the Principal sent to all parents this evening, 4 January 2021

Dear parents and carers

Following the government's announcement this evening of another national lockdown, we are now expecting pupils to work from home until at least February half term. 

This week the site will only be open to pupils in the Alternative Curriculum Group, the vulnerable pupils we contacted today and the children of critical workers who registered by noon today using our online form (and have been sent a confirmation email).

Details of the provision for these pupils can be found  here.

All other pupils MUST remain at home and engage in remote learning. This will start tomorrow and, for this week, will follow each pupil's normal timetable. You can find details on our website in the Home Learning Hub

I will write to you later in the week with further details about Free School Meals, further opportunities for critical workers to register their children for provision in subsequent weeks and with a slight change to the timings of the school day as we will not need to operate a staggered lunch time.

On the assumption that mass testing will still be relevant after half term, I would still encourage you to complete the consent form that I sent out earlier.

Thank you for the incredible patience and resilience you have shown as we respond to these last minute announcements.

I hope you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy during this period of uncertainty and worry.

Yours faithfully

David Tungate
Nottingham Girls' Academy

Strive. Improve. Enjoy.