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Nottingham Girls' Academy

Responding to Online Safety Incidents and Concerns

  • All members of the school community will be made aware of the reporting procedure for online safety concerns, including breaches of filtering, youth produced sexual imagery (sexting), self-generated images of sexual abuse as a result of online grooming, cyberbullying and illegal content. 

  • All members of the community must respect confidentiality and the need to follow the official school procedures for reporting concerns. 

  • Incidents will be managed depending on their nature and severity, according to the relevant school policies. 

  • After any investigations are completed, the school will debrief, identify lessons learnt and implement any changes in policy or practice as required. 

  • If the school is unsure how to proceed with an incident or concern, the DSL will seek advice from the GAT safeguarding team. 

  • Where there is suspicion that illegal activity has taken place, the school will contact the Police using 101, or 999 if there is immediate danger or risk of harm.  

  • If an incident or concern needs to be passed beyond the school community (for example if other local schools are involved or the public may be at risk), the school will speak with the Police and/or the Local Authority first, to ensure that potential investigations are not compromised. 

Concerns about Pupil’s Welfare 

  • The DSL will be informed immediately of any online safety incident that could be considered a safeguarding or child protection concern.  

  • The DSL will ensure that online safeguarding concerns are escalated and reported to relevant agencies. 

  • The school will inform parents and carers of any incidents or concerns involving their child, as and when required. 

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