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How do I know NGA Sixth Form is for me?

NGA Sixth Form is a well-established and friendly Sixth Form, with an unprecedented track record of success for supporting students to gain the qualifications they require for university, employment or apprenticeships.

Is it just like Year 11?


Separate Sixth Form Areas

Firstly, although we are attached to the Academy, there are designated areas for our Sixth Formers, including a computer room and a common room.

No Uniform

Sixth Form operates differently from younger year groups with added privileges such as no longer being asked to wear a uniform, although we do ask you to dress appropriately for a working environment.

Different Style of Lesson

You may also find the style of your lessons is different. Class sizes are generally smaller than at GCSE and there are often more opportunities for discussions with your peers.

More Freedom and Autonomy

You will have study periods to help support you to complete independent work and you also don’t need to be at the Academy during your offsite study periods.

Will I get support?

NGA Sixth Form prides itself on the close knit support offered to all our students, whether you have studied with us previously or are joining us from another secondary school.  Check out the What our students say about NGA Sixth Form page for more information about life in Sixth Form and the What can I expect from NGA Sixth Form? page for opportunities you can look forward to during your time with us.

What is the application process?
  1. Check the entry requirements.
  2. Complete an online application form.
  3. Wait to hear from the Sixth Form Team regarding your application with a conditional offer, alternative subject offer or an unsuccessful offer:
  • Conditional offer means the subjects you have chosen are approved as long as you meet the entry requirements.
  • Alternative subject offer means based on your grades being below entry requirements, we might not be able to offer your first choice of subjects, but we can offer different subjects.
  • Unsuccessful offer means although we would love to give all applicants a place, sometimes we are unable to do so due to not meeting entry or age requirements.