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Rewards and Recognition

BUILD Points

In all classrooms we aim for praise to outweigh consequences. Teachers should aim for a ratio of at least 80:20. We want to concentrate on positive aspects of behaviour. 

Although qualifications form an incredibly important part of what we do, we also know it is important for our pupils to develop certain qualities. 

There are 9 qualities that we explicitly focus on developing through our ‘BUILD’ programme’. Opportunities to develop these qualities are embedded into our curriculum. When pupils demonstrate that they are developing any one of these qualities, this is recognised by awarding a ‘BUILD point’. These are broken into 3 categories, encouraging pupils to: 

Each BUILD point that is awarded to pupils, builds up a tally towards their total House points. The House system has been created around strong, inspirational women that our pupils and staff voted for. There are 6 different Houses and pupils are assigned a House dependent on their tutor group. 

1. Dina ‘Asher-Smith’

2. Emily ‘Campbell’

3. Nadiya ‘Hussain’

4. Michelle ‘Obama’

5. Alex ‘Scott’

6. Emma ‘Watson’

Praise and recognition are vital in helping us raise our pupils’ self-esteem and confidence. Rewarding pupils when they meet significant milestones in the number of BUILD points awarded helps encourage positive behaviours and create the safe, kind, nurturing and inclusive environment we value. The Academy policy is to reinforce good behaviour and self-discipline informally through positive feedback and praise and giving affirmation and recognition to pupils who model high standards. Pupils who behave well and meet the Academy’s high expectations should be recognised for good behaviour through the rewards system. 

Rewards and recognition of pupils’ accomplishments are offered through: 

  • Verbal praise given by teachers at any possible opportunity. 

  • Postcards or letters of achievement sent home. 

  • Pastoral recognition: star of the week, 10/10, year group bingo, worker of the week and social media recognition. 

  • Awarding of a BUILD point. 

  • BUILD certificates: Bronze (350 BUILD points), Silver (750 points), Gold (900 points), Platinum (1000 points). 

  • End of Term rewards for the top 10% of each year group 

  • Pupils with no negatives and 100% attendance have an additional reward or time slot on an activity of their choice and a letter home from the Principal. 

  • Articles in the Academy’s newsletter giving details of participation and achievements. 

  • Awards of trophies for success in competitive House sports events and other events. 

  • End-of-term celebration assemblies. Used to give out certificates gained for various reasons from subject teachers and the pastoral team; outstanding effort, participation, attendance, or achievement. 

  • End of year vouchers for Deputy Head of Year award (DHoY), Head of Year (HoY) award and the Senior Leader Team (SLT) award per year group. 

  • Letters home from the Principal, SLT, DHoY and HoY. 

  • Attendance randomiser per year group – Intu, Amazon and Just Eat vouchers. 

  • Various reward opportunities for each year group 7-13, with attendance and good behaviour being pre-requisite to their award. 

  • Intervention rewards throughout the year for different groups of pupils, dependent on their needs. 

  • Ceremony of Awards evening to be held each September. 

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