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Code of Conduct

As in any community, we have rules, procedures and expectations that are about keeping everyone safe and promoting an inclusive, calm, and orderly environment.
These are set out in the Code of Conduct below:

Pupils are to:

  • Respect all other people, regardless of race, culture, gender, sexuality, and religion.
  • Behave in a purposeful, orderly, and safe manner.
  • Follow the instructions of all staff.
  • Wear the full academy uniform.
  • Be punctual for tutor time and for all lessons.
  • Walk on corridors and stairways on the left-hand side, in single file.
  • Line up calmly for lessons in preparation for entering the classroom.
  • Sit where directed to by their teachers.
  • Stand behind their chairs on entering a classroom and wait to be seated.
  • Stand behind their chairs at the end of a lesson and wait to be dismissed.
  • Leave lessons only when given permission by a member of staff.
  • Hand in all work on time.
  • Have a pen, pencil, ruler, and their planner (which is provided by the academy) and a suitable bag.
  • Be clean and tidy at all times.
  • Be respectful of the academy buildings and property and other people’s property.
  • Work to the best of their ability during lessons.
  • Respect teachers and other pupils in lessons by listening and not interrupting or calling out.
  • Remain seated during lessons unless given permission to leave their seat.

Pupils must not:

  • Use mobile phones or other electrical items on the academy site.
  • Use bad language or swear anywhere on the academy site.
  • Wear make-up, false nails or eyelashes, hair extensions or more than one pair of plain small ear-studs in each lobe.
  • Smoke or ‘vape’ in or near the academy site.
  • Write on desks, walls, equipment, or the academy fabric.
  • Show intimidating or discriminatory behaviour - physically, verbally, or otherwise.
  • Leave classrooms without permission.
  • Run along the corridors, on the stairways or in the courtyards.
  • Interfere with other pupils' work either physically or verbally.
  • Steal academy property or that of other pupils.
  • Bring chewing gum, fizzy or energy drinks into school. They are banned and will be confiscated and binned; girls can drink water in most lessons (but not in science labs or lessons with computers/laptops for health and safety reasons).
  • Access other pupils' files on the academy's computer network.
  • Behave in any way that brings the academy into disrepute.
  • Film or take photographs on or near the academy site.
  • Misuse social media to bully or intimidate other members of the school community.

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