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Statutory Information

The DfE requires all school websites to make specific information available to visitors to the site. To make this easily accessible, we have collated it and made it all available via the links below:

Day to Day Operational Information (Ethos, Behaviour, Curriculum, SEND, Careers) 

Our Mission and Values underpin all of our policies and practices at the academy. Read about them here:


A link to the Trust Pupil Behaviour and Exclusion Policy can be found here:


Further details of how this policy is put into practice at Nottingham Girls' Academy can be found here:


Details of our school curriculum, including what is taught in each academic year for every subject and a list of the courses available to pupils at Key Stage 4 and 5 are published here: 


Details about our provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can be found here: 


Details of our careers and employability programme can be found here:

Additional Funding 

We are funded based on our pupils numbers, but receive additional funding to support disadvantaged pupils through Pupil Premium. Details of how we have used this funding and intend to use this funding moving forwards can be found here:

Details of how we used the Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium and how we intend to use the Coronavirus (Covid-19) catch-up Premium can be found here:


Our admissions policy explains how we consider applications for each year group at the academy. It can be found here along with our application form:


Our admissions policy also explains how we consider applications for pupils wishing to join us when they transfer to secondary education from their primary school at the end of Year 6. It can be found here along with our application form:

Examinations and Performance Measures 

Our 2018-19 examination results and a link to the DfE performance measures for the academy are published here. 2019-20 examination results were not published due to the extraordinary arrangements brought in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Governance and Accountability 

The academy is part of the Greenwood Academies Trust who provide formal governance and support. 


The academy also has local, informal governance through its AAC:


The academy's most recent Ofsted report can be found here:

As a public body we are required to comply with the public sector equality duty in the Equalities Act 2010. Details of how we meet this requirement can be found here:

Financial Information 

The academy's page on the schools financial benchmarking service can be found here:

Please follow this link to access information about our financial performance including

  • our annual report
  • our annual audited accounts
  • our funding agreement
  • details of executive pay.

Further details of the Greenwood Academies Trust's financial polices (including the Charging and Remissions policy - please note there are no local adjustments to this policy) can be found here:

Getting in Touch 

Details of how to contact the school, including our address, phone number, and email address as well as who to contact with any queries and the name and contact details of our SENDCo can all be found here:


Despite our best endeavours, we understand that things may not always happen in the way you would like.

We  always appreciate the opportunity to listen and respond to your concerns and queries before they escalate and become worse. Please contact us using the above link and ask to speak to a Head of Year, Head of Faculty or Member of the Senior Leadership Team as appropriate.

However, if we have been unable to resolve something to your satisfaction please find a link to the Trust's complaints procedure (and other policies) below:

Paper Copies of Information 

If you require a paper version of any of this any other information on this website, please do not hesitate to contact us.  This service is provided free of charge.